








孕產婦關懷諮詢專線 提供4種語言服務


According to the statistics, the top three hot topics in the 107-year-old pregnancy counseling line are: "Can breastfeeding take medicine, drink coffee, drink?"; Secondly, "Is the breast milk baby more normal? Is it normal for a few days? Color?"; The third is "Is pregnancy still breastfeeding affecting the fetus?", for most of the novice parents will have doubts, the National Health Agency provides professional advice:

1) Can you take medicine, drink coffee or drink with your mother's milk? /

Generally, the amount of commonly used drugs is secreted into the milk, which is not easy to affect the baby. When you are breastfeeding, you can talk to your doctor or pharmacist and choose the right medicine. The caffeine in the coffee may be discharged into the breast milk, making the baby irritated. The mother's daily intake should not exceed 750 mg, which is equivalent to 5 cups (1 cup 150 mg) of coffee.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no more than 0.5 grams of pure alcohol per kilogram per day. When a mom eats a bottle of 350c.c. canned beer, it has no effect on the baby, as long as it is not immediately after drinking or milking, wait 2 to 2.5 Feeding after hours can reduce your baby's alcohol intake. If you feed too soon, it may temporarily affect the baby's behavior, make the baby more annoying, and the amount of sucking milk is slightly reduced. Excessive drinking (more than 7 cans per week, or more than 3 cans per drink) can cause problems with infant growth and affect maternal milk secretion.

2) Is the breast milk baby's bowel movements normal? Is there a normal bowel movement for a few days? The color of the stool? /

Mother's milk baby's stool may be thinner and more frequent. It may take 2 to 3 days or even 1 to 2 weeks to resolve once in 3 weeks, as long as the stool is soft. The baby's stool depends on the physical condition. As long as the bowel movement is smooth, there is no difficulty in solving the problem, and normal weight gain is normal.

The baby's stool is yellow or green, and it is a normal color. If it is pale yellow or grayish white, it is an abnormal color. It should be suspected that there is a possibility of biliary atresia or intrahepatic bile retention. For the baby's health, you should consult a professional pediatrician as soon as possible to avoid delaying the condition. It is very important to grasp the discovery period of the baby within 60 days of birth!

3) Is pregnancy still affecting the fetus when breastfeeding? /

You can still continue breastfeeding after pregnancy. When the baby sucks the nipple during breastfeeding, it will cause the uterus to contract, but generally this condition will not harm the pregnancy. If the baby feels contraction pain when the baby sucks, it is recommended that the mother take a break and let the baby eat breast milk. If the situation does not improve, it may not be appropriate to continue breastfeeding.

Maternal Care Consultation Line Available in 4 languages

The National Health Service provides a maternal care consultation line with a 4-line online consultation service from 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday, providing telephone consultation services in Mandarin, Taiwanese, Vietnamese and Indonesian.

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